Welcome to the Christmas project!

I am a decorative proposal that was born from wanting to create something innovative, unprecedented and original to celebrate Christmas. And what better way to do it than by grouping sustainability, creativity, art and design under the same concept!

I am a set of 10 decorations made of wood in which, in each one of them, appears an illustration with a concept that we would like to have in our lives.

We already know how important it is to keep in mind those things that matter to us in life, so I created a set of 10 illustrations that talk about love, peace, friendship, hope, dreams, family, fun, sharing and opportunity.

I am made of reused wood, the twine that holds me is jute, or natural twine, the printing is laser (without ink) and the boxes of cardboard. It is part of my commitment to minimize plastic and leave the best possible footprint on the earth.

The German format is part of the desire to create content in the local language and on the meantime… it’s an amazing startpoint for me to be introduced in the language.

These decorations can be used in multiple ways:

  • placed in the wine and cava bottles of the diners
  • to decorate display cases, placing them with ropes at different heights
  • like coasters
  • to hang them from the Christmas tree
  • dedications can be written on the back

Decoration proposals:

example of presentation for diners
to decorate wine and cava bottles or as coasters